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Types and How Alternative Medicine for Hemorrhoids Disease
Posted by Unknown on Sunday, December 23, 2012
How to cure hemorrhoids naturally and without surgery? many hemorrhoid sufferers in Indonesia who are looking for solutions to cure their hemorrhoids naturally either by consuming fruits and also in the traditional manner with herbs to treat hemorrhoids. exactly what it is and how to cure hemorrhoids hemorrhoids natural way? Is traditional medicine is effective hemorrhoids and hemorrhoid sufferers can cure? please see the article on how to treat hemorrhoids naturally without surgery.
Hemorrhoid is a disease that occurs in the anus where anus lip had swollen, sometimes accompanied by bleeding. Hemorrhoid disease is not only giving pain to the sufferer, but also gives a sense of inferiority and shame for hemorrhoid disease. In patients with hemorrhoids generally hard to sit and defecate due to pain when the mouth rectum or anus sphinchter under pressure. In patients with severe hemorrhoids are sometimes difficult to treat, so it could be surgery removal of hemorrhoids which can give side effects that are sometimes not good. Therefore hemorrhoids to watch and handled properly so easily treated.
Types Hemorrhoids or Piles or Hemorrhoid medical language
Hemorrhoids or piles are of two kinds, namely the hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. In hemorrhoids the veins in the anus are covered by mucous membranes moist. If not treated can be seen emerging stand out as external hemorrhoids.
Symptoms of hemorrhoids in love there is blood coming out of the anus when the chapter / defecation. If it is severe to stand out and continue to grow as big as a tennis ball that had taken surgery to remove hemorrhoids.
External hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the muscles that are generally associated with the skin. Usually hemorrhoids are swollen bluish visible protrusion on the edge of the anus that feels sore and itchy.
How to Treat and Cure Hemorrhoids
To get rid of hemorrhoids completely recommend that you run a few tips to cure hemorrhoids and consult a physician.
* Run a healthy lifestyle.
* Exercise regularly.
* Eat fiber.
* Avoid too much sitting or hanging out in wc / toilet.
* Do not smoke, drink alcohol, drugs, etc..
* Do not engage in sexual activity that is not fair.
* Drink plenty of water.
* Do not stop urinating and defecating.
* Do not like excessive rubbing and scratching the anus.
* Do not push / mengeden / ngeden excessive.
* If you do not want pup / chapters should not be forced.
* Sitting soak in warm water.
* Take medications as directed by your doctor.
Traditional way to cure hemorrhoids without surgery:
Take 2 tomatoes diced cooking oil plus 1sendok meal, 2 cups water.
Tomato & cooking oil boiled in water about 10 minutes, then filtered wear sari cloth For retrieved, then applied to the hemorrhoid.
Take the purple leaves (Graptophylum pictum) varieties of purple, not green white striped. Take 20 grams (usually about 11 leaves), rough chopped, boiled with 2 cups of boiled water for 15 minutes to boil a pot of enamel or stainless, do not use aluminum pans because the metal content of flavonoids bind Al.
The remaining approximately 1 cup drunk. Drink 2x a day for 2 weeks, then quite 1xsehari to 2 months.
Another way that can be taken to cure hemorrhoids without surgery is by way of an alternative treatment for hemorrhoid sufferers.
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