Healing Hemorrhoids Without Surgery

Posted by Unknown on Friday, December 21, 2012

Hemorrhoid or are more familiar with the term (piles) is not a new disease. Never "attacked" Napoleon Bonaparte, the French emperor European conquerors of the 19th century. Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States also experienced it and had to undergo surgery.

Hemorrhoids is a condition where the veins around the rectum (anus) or the rectum (the lower large intestine before the anus) swollen and inflamed. This is not serious, life-threatening illness. In fact you were not necessarily aware of it. But hemorrhoids often become painful and disruptive activity. Healthy people can also develop hemorrhoids.

Based on the location can occur internally (inside the rectum) or external (around the anus). Internal rectum are swollen blood vessels. Wall rectum does not have that kind of skin nerves as it does not hurt and easily ignored by the sufferer. Usually only detected when you see spots of blood in stool or blood droplets during defecation .

The degree of severity is divided into four levels. The first level is fixed inside the rectum, but bleeding during defecation. Second level, pushed out of the rectum and then sat CHAPTER entry by itself. The third level also hemorrhoids are pushed out, but you have to put yourself into the rectum after a bowel movement. The fourth level is pushed out and settled outside the rectum so you can not push it back inside.

This fourth level will usually itch and pain, and pinched (stranggulasi), causing tremendous pain.

The external (outside the rectum) is easily detected because of the swelling of blood vessels in the skin anus and blue. These are usually itchy and / or painful because the skin anus has nerve tissue.

Keep in mind, some of the diseases colon (large intestine) has symptoms similar to hemorrhoids. Then consult a doctor if you suspect any symptoms of hemorrhoids (piles) because you may suffer from a more serious colon problem, especially if you are over 20 years old and you have a family history of colon cancer. Splotches of blood in stool or blood droplets during bowel movements, for example, also experienced colon cancer.

Cause as diverse as obesity, heredity, anal sex, vitamin E deficiency, aging, sitting too long, too frequent heavy lifting, pregnancy, frequently straining too strong, diarrhea, and habits that are too long CHAPTER.

Your lifestyle affects the occurrence of hemorrhoids. Less eating fibrous foods such as fruits and vegetables, causing hardening of feces. Hardening of the feces also occur if you are accustomed to defer defecation (BAB) as the water content in the stool that is not promptly removed will continue to be absorbed by the colon. Hard stools difficult discarded and can cause constipation so it forces you to push a vengeance.

This habit gives great pressure on the veins in the rectum and anus forming hemorrhoids. Feces should be solid but can move out smoothly. So drink plenty of water, adequate nutrition and canola important to avoid hemorrhoids. Regular exercise is also good for reducing risk.

Not The Only

Do not get frustrated if you are suffering from hemorrhoids because surgery is not the only solution. Even operations as much as possible be avoided because there are obstacles such as the use of anesthesia. The risk of complications is also greater with surgery. Doctors who deal with hemorrhoids in the United States and other developed countries prefer the healing without surgery.
Healing without surgery is currently the most popular method of pinning Barron hemorrhoid with a special rubber that stop the flow of blood. Hemorrhoids are released by itself in about a week.

There are two kinds of methods, namely Barron old (ancient) and cutting-edge. Barron current method uses vacuum suction to pull hemorrhoids get to the bottom wall of the rectum before a special rubber band attached to the hemorrhoids thus ensuring a high therapeutic efficacy without the risk of injury or infection. In contrast, old-fashioned method of Barron interesting hemorrhoids with tweezers before being installed rubber bracelets, causing great pain due to injury or rupture of blood vessels when clamped and pulled tweezers. Barron advanced handling system is more economical, of short duration, and the patient can move as usual immediately after the action. All stages of hemorrhoids can be cured by this method. However, the fourth stage of healing to the method can only be done during Barron no complications such as tumors, large polyp, and cancer of the rectum should be referred to hospital.

Other methods of healing without surgery is sclerotherapy. It is injection (injection) hemorrhoids with liquid chemical (sclerosant) that harden the veins so that blood flow stops hemorrhoid sticks. Hemorrhoids will shrink and released in seven to ten days after the injection. Developed countries are not using sclerotherapy because of the risk of infection and complications that cause narrowing of the anus rectum like that must be corrected with surgery. Material sclerotherapy also risk causing an allergic reaction.

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