Oh my hemorrhoid recurrence. Guns could be seated. Too large to be inserted bulge again ... "
This is often expressed by hemorrhoid sufferers stage 3 and above, where the bumps in the anal canal large enough. Symptoms, after defecation bulge out and log in again. So it should be pressed and pushed by hand. If it is stage 4, the bulge could be as big as tennis balls. The bulge can not be pushed, and usually have an operation. Especially if it suffered many years (chronic), it is very disturbing daily activities.
For operation also needs a huge cost about dozens or even tens of millions. Well, is there any natural solution without surgery? There, with the regular consumption of certain herbs and diet therapy during healing.
WHAT IS hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoid or hemorrhoids is a disease caused by the blood vessels in the anal region widened due to blocked blood flow to the heart. Dilated vessel is then covered by mucous membranes, skin, connective tissue or smooth muscles, and gradually swell and bulge.
Based on its location, hemorrhoids are divided into two types, namely the hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are blood vessels in the mucous membrane covered by wet in the anus. Originally hemorrhoids are not visible from the outside, but if it is enlarged to stand out.
Common symptoms of hemorrhoids are sometimes able to get out in the blood when urinating, because the hemorrhoids bulge on the wall of the anus rubbed by a hard stool out.
Especially for hemorrhoids in, there are several stages, namely:
Stage 1, characterized by the protrusion is still small and has not come out. Symptoms, blood dripping after every bowel movement.
Stage 2, the bulge was out but not so great. Symptoms, after defecation, bulge out, but will go back when the patient is in a standing position.
Stage 3, the bulge is larger. Symptoms, after defecation bulge out and log in again. So it should be pressed and pushed by hand.
Stage 4, the bulge could be as big as tennis balls. The bulge can not be pushed, and usually have an operation.
In external hemorrhoids, skin covering the blood vessels. Because of its position on the outside of the anus, external hemorrhoids are more easily visible. Common symptoms of external hemorrhoids are different from the hemorrhoids. Because it is outside and not through dirt, his complaint is pain or pain due to a ruptured blood vessel. After the rupture, the blood did not come out but accumulate and become a thrombus (blood clot). There are times when hemorrhoids rupture, but still stand out and be a blood clot. Both types of hemorrhoids that if not addressed will be dangerous.
Basically hemorrhoids are caused by the pressure of the abdominal cavity (abdomen) causing prolonged dilation of the blood vessels (veins) and swelling of the tissues in the rectal wall. This condition is usually experienced by people who frequent straining, pregnancy and labor heavy (lifting-weights).
Several factors cause hemorrhoids, including:
- Constipation Dirt is hard cause someone often straining during bowel movements. This condition can eventually lead to hemorrhoids.
- Pregnant women. In the state of pregnancy, the abdominal cavity pressure increases because there fetus in the womb. Not infrequently followed by constipation, which could potentially suffer from hemorrhoids. The same condition can be experienced by women after childbirth due to straining.
- Hypertension, particularly portal hypertension, can also cause hemorrhoids because of the relationship between the portal vein to the vena cava is in the rectal wall.
- The work took a lot of time sitting, prolonged standing, heavy lifting.
- Some types of foods that stimulate, like chillies and spices can trigger hemorrhoids. Because the substances in these foods easy to make the blood vessels dilate. Avoid foods such as recurrent hemorrhoids, will help people.
- The disease can also cause chronic diarrhea hemorrhoids. When diarrhea, leading to defecate repeatedly, so that the blood vessels are dilated and covered by mucous membrane, connective tissue or skin, through dirt and infection.
- Obesity (overweight), alcoholic beverages and anal sex are other factors that can lead to hemorrhoids.
The conquest of hemorrhoids
In order not to gain weight, hemorrhoid sufferers need to consider some of the following:
- Try a warm bath to relieve pain.
- Eating fiber foods for dirt (feces) into soft, for example: fruits and vegetables.
- Avoid pants that are too tight.
- Avoid alcoholic beverages so that dirt is not hard.
- Drinking adequate amounts, at least 8-10 glasses a day.
- Avoid rubbing the anal area to avoid injury.
- Do not get hold bowel movement and do not also forced to defecate.
- Avoid lingering in the toilet during bowel movements, such as reading, because this practice will increase the pressure in the anal area.
- Use natural therapies to heal.
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